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Each client is different and deserves special attention which we strive to provide. Our clients are our greatest asset that we strive to protect and multiply throughout the years.

We are proud to say that our clients represent a broad spectrum of Bulgarian and foreign companies working in diverse economy fields – leading banks, leasing companies, investment management companies, construction companies, organizations dealing with waste utilization, spedition and transport companies, financial investors, public companies and investments intermediaries, holding companies, many companies in the field of manufacturing, commerce, services, etc. as well as a large number of Bulgarian and foreign individuals seeking protection of their legitimate rights and interests.

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We determine the strategy and tactics of every single case together with the client, while taking into consideration the specifics of each case as only their right and thorough analysis may lead to a successful finish of the actions which have been undertaken.

Our Modus Operandi usually includes consecutive performance of the following activities in the order indicated below:

  1. Introduction to the case and initial anаlysis of the facts;
  2. Precise definition of client`s problem;
  3. Preparation of а reasoned legal opinion on the case which answers the questions set forward by the client;
  4. Outlining the different legal options to approach the case, accompanied by a motivated recommendation about the choice of a strategy;
  5. Putting into effect, and if necessary – providing procedural protection, of the selected strategy.